XYZ CARGO News @ our Social Media Channels

Don’t miss: Visit our XYZ CARGO social media channels on Instagram and Facebook for the latest stories about XYZ CARGO!

There you will also find news about our latest support trip to the Ukraine, our latest exhibitions and pictures of all the custom-made products that we realize for you every day.

On the XYZ CARGO social media channels you will mostly find reports from our main locations in Denmark and Germany. But also some selected posts from our growing network of XYZ CARGO subproducers in other European countries: Edinburgh, Barcelona and on and on!

For Hamburg citizens: Get 33% funding for your new XYZ CARGO bike!

Breaking News from us in Hamburg:

Less cars, more cargo bikes! The city of Hamburg has announced a cargo bike funding program. All citizens of Hamburg can apply for a 33% funding when they buy a new XYZ CARGO TRIKE or BIKE. For an electric cargo bike you can get funding of up to 2.000 EU and for a non-electric cargo bike of up to 500EU.

All you need for your funding application is an official offer from us and a prove that you as a private person or your company / association / NGO is situated in Hamburg.

Write us and we can send you an offer for your desired model. There is funding for three years, 2019-2021. For 2019 the application start is on 15th of October 2019. It makes sense to be fast and get your official offer from us beforehand. Funding principle is: First come, first take.

Detailed Info:…

! Please note: The program is only valid for citizens, NGOs and companies situated in Hamburg !


XYZ CARGO touring with the Cargobike Roadshow in South Germany – come & ride!



XYZ CARGO is part of the Cargobike Roadshow from the 17. bis 30. September 2019.

The Cargobike Roadshow will travel through 14 cities in Southern Germany, offering people free test-rides on several differnt cargo bike brands.

We provided a XYZ CARGO TRIKE with a child bench – come & test ride it!


More information:


All 14 stops of the Cargobike Roadshow (to find the exact location: follow the the link above > click the name of the city):

17.09. Konstanz
18.09. Singen
19.09. Radolfzell
20.09. Bad Säckingen
21.09. Offenburg
22.09. Mannheim
23.09. Ludwigsburg
24.09. Heilbronn
25.09. Karlsruhe
26.09. Aalen
27.09. Göppingen
28.09. Ulm
29.09. Überlingen
30.09. Friedrichshafen


The XYZ CARGO SHORT is ready!




We recently finished the development of our new compact, lightweight cargo bike.
Payload: 60 kg. It is fast, easy to ride and we are looking forward to getting it out there!

It will be available in different configurations and plate colors.
Optional: Alfine gears, rear disk brake and E-Bike Upgrade.


Available from February 2019. Introduction price: 990 EUR/ 7400 DKK


Happy holidays!
ion and Till/ XYZ CARGO


Exhibition News XYZ CARGO 2017 + 2018

XYZ CARGO BIKE at Bröhan Museum Berlin
XYZ CARGO BIKE at Bröhan Museum Berlin
XYZ CARGO at Futurium Berlin 2018
XYZ CARGO at Futurium Berlin 2018
XYZ CARGO Micro Factory // including a local production line
XYZ CARGO at Futurium Berlin 2018
XYZ CARGO at Futurium Berlin 2018
XYZ CARGO Micro Factory / local production line inside the future lab
XYZ CARGO and PARKCYCLE at Futurium Berlin 2018
XYZ CARGO and PARKCYCLE at Futurium Berlin 2018
Test track inside the museum
XYZ CARGO at Futurium Berlin 2018
XYZ CARGO at Futurium Berlin 2018
XYZ CARGO Micro Factory / local production line
XYZ CARGO at Futurium Berlin 2018
XYZ CARGO at Futurium Berlin 2018
XYZ CARGO at Futurium Berlin 2018
XYZ CARGO at Futurium Berlin 2018
XYZ CARGO BIKE at State Of Design / Berlin
XYZ CARGO BIKE at State Of Design / Berlin


In the last years, we have not only been able to exhibit our XYZ CARGO Cycles at various bike fairs but also internationally at renowned design and art exhibitions or museums. Most recently at “Futurium”, the Future Museum of the German Ministry of Education and Research.


We are pleased that our production philosophy seems to be convincing: A local and fair production of cargo bikes, especially within a construction system that easily adapts to the real needs of the users, proves to be superior to the old-fashioned mass production of one-fits-all cargo bikes in the Far East. Let’s hope others take this as a prove-of-concept that it is indeed possible to stop shipping bikes in container ships around the globe and return to local and ecological ways of production.


Impressions of our last exhibitions can be found in the slideshow.


Futurium, Berlin 2018

International Cargo Bike Festival Berlin 2018

State of DESIGN, Berlin, Germany 2017

Museet Koldinghus – Beyond Icons, Denmark, 2017

bike | design | city, Gewerbemuseum Winterthur, Switzerland, 2017

Triennial of Modernism, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, Germany, 2016

Do It Yourself Design Broehan Museum, Berlin, Germany, 2016


featuring a recumbent riding position & low wind resistance
XYZ FOURWHEELER - loading capacity of 1 Europallet - and still fast & easy to drive
Carries up to 1 Europallet
Strong construction
XYZ CARGO TRUCK - with asymmetrical riding position - for transporting large loads and a compact vehicle size at the same time
XYZ CARGO TRUCK with basic cargo platform (segmented aluminium plate (2,5mm), center part can be lowered down to provide a double bench (seating space for up to 5 persons)


We are now ready to offer the our new 4-wheeld versions XYZ CARGO FOURWHEELER and XYZ CARGO TRUCK. After 1 1/2 years of thorough development and tests, they can both be ordered via our website – write to:
Both can be shipped worldwide from our factories in Copenhagen and in Hamburg.


The XYZ CARGO FOURWHEELER and the XYZ CARGO TRUCK are both designed to carry heavy and large loads. They come equipped with a strong electrical motor system and suspension.


The XYZ CARGO FOURWHEELER is a quadricycle with a recumbent riding position, resulting in low wind resistance. Its narrow design and small turning radius allows for quick maneuverability inside the city. Nonetheless it can carry goods of up to 1 Europallet in size (350 kg total weight including driver and vehicle).


The XYZ CARGO TRUCK is a 4-wheeled vehicle designed to transport even more: loads of up to 2 Euro pallets (350 kg total weight including driver and vehicle)  makes it a cargo cycle with one of the largest loading capacities available. The asymmetrical, upright riding position keeps the overall dimensions compact: Standard width x length only measure 120cm x 235cm.


The XYZ CARGO FOURWHEELER and the XYZ CARGO TRUCK both can be used for logistics or customized for any other purpose: A wide range of functional modules are avilable, transforming them to streetfood cycles, mobile space units or vehicles for any other purpose.




XYZ CARGO TRUCK: from 5850EU / 43.500DKK (incl. VAT)

XYZ CARGO FOURWHEELER: from 4850 EU / 36.000 DKK  (inkl. VAT)

plus shipping


XYZ CARGO to join POC21 in Paris

POC21 chateau-de-millemont__WEB-1
POC21 chateau-de-millemont__WEB-1


XYZ CARGO was invited to join the awesome POC21 in Paris. We will go there for several weeks as one of the supporting organisations, contributing our share to building solutions for a better future. Read more about it here: “POC21 is an innovation camp to prototype the fossil free, zero waste society. 100+ makers, designers, engineers, scientists and geeks will join forces for five immersive weeks in a stunning french castle. Their ultimate goal: Overcome our destructive consumer culture and make open-source, sustainable products the new normal.” 


XYZ CARGO at Academy Of Media Arts Cologne & Projekthaus Potsdam

XYZ CARGO has just finished two XYZ CARGO building workshops in Germany:

Students from the Academy Of Media Arts Cologne / Prof. Vogelaar have learned how to build and customize their own XYZ CARGO. A follow-up development session with a focus on interactive, mobile room units is already planned for summer 2015 – stay tuned!


The week before people from Potsdam’s Projekthaus and from different FabLabs learned how to build their own XYZ CARGO during the annual ‘Verbundstreffen Offener Werkstätten’. See a short documentation video of Projekthaus-coordinator B. Maltry here:


The next workshop for self-builders in Hamburg’s XYZ CARGO studio will be in March 2015 – you can pre-register by writing to: . Workshops in Copenhagen (in spring 2015) can be booked by writing to:


Of course: Those with only a craving for a smooth ride can also just purchase a ready-made XYZ CARGOs by writing to:


XYZ CARGO TWOSEATER and new XYZ raincovers will be available soon

We have redesigned the XYZ TWOSEATER completely and introduced all the relevant details and technical innovations that we have developed over the last three years. We are happy to receive orders already now but the first ones will  be delivered in March 2015.
We have also designed raincovers for the XYZ CARGO TRIKE and the XYZ CARGO BIKE. The protyping is finished and production will start soon. They will be ready for purchase in March.

XYZ CARGO at “Das Fahrrad” exhibition in the Museum Of Work Hamburg

XYZ CARGO BIKE at Museum of Hamburg's show "The Bike"
XYZ CARGO BIKE at Museum of Hamburg's show "The Bike"
XYZ CARGO TRIKE - assembly line
XYZ CARGO TRIKE - assembly line
XYZ FACTORY - an assembly line for XYZ CARGOs at the Museum Of Work's show "The Bike"
XYZ FACTORY - an assembly line for XYZ CARGOs at the Museum Of Work's show "The Bike"
Museum of Hamburg, exhibtion "The Bike", opening
Museum of Hamburg, exhibtion "The Bike", opening


XYZ SPACEFRAME VEHICLES is part of the brand new exhibition “Das Fahrrad / The Bike” in Hamburg’s Museum Of Work. The exhibition shows a large variety of objects and oddities from bicycle history and culture.

N55 in collaboration with Till Wolfer have brought a complete XYZ CARGO assembly line to the exhibition rooms, addressing new forms of local production and sharing of knowledge. Several finished XYZ CARGO models are also on display. Visitors have the opportunity to take part in frequent XYZ-building-workshops throughout the whole exhibition period in Hamburg (further dates will be published at

The exhibition runs from the 9th of May 2014 to the 1st of March 2015.


In case you’re stopping by in Hamburg: Don’t miss to have a look at the exhibition or to come around at our studio in Hamburg downtown!

In 2015 the exhibition will also be shown in Berlin’s Technical Museum.


Find more information about the show and the involvement of XYZ SPACEFRAME VEHICLES here: